Empowering Connections: Sophie’s Potluck, A Special Journey

In this uplifting interview with Amy Hart, the driving force behind Sophie’s Potluck, we delve into the story of Sophie, a vibrant 14-year-old on the autism spectrum. Amy shares the inspiration behind starting Sophie’s Potluck and the unique experiences they offer to the  community. From the adorable blue peacock logo to the diverse array of activities, this initiative aims to create a supportive and inclusive space for families. Discover how Sophie’s Potluck is fostering connections and providing opportunities for growth.

Tell us a little about Sophie.

My daughter Sophie is 14 years old and an 8th grader in the Pittsburgh Area. Sophie is on the autism spectrum and and can’t always communicate her needs.
Sophie's bow

Sophie’s signature bow

What drove you to start Sophie’s Potluck?

During the winter, I was looking for new activities that I could do with our friends. We typically paint monthly at Splat: A Make and Take Art Studio in the Pittsburgh Area, Pennsylvania. Everyone really enjoys themselves each time and my friend, John Novogurski, (who created and runs the Sophie’s Potluck webpage) and I thought it would be fun to do something more frequently. So we came up with the idea to run the website so we can notify people of our events, and let people register online.
close up of teenager painting

Getting creative

I am always looking for new opportunities for Sophie to try and then ask friends to join us. Then I started thinking of ways that we could really start to explore some venues that we wouldn’t typically think of going to. With a little brainstorming and lots of support, I began emailing different places all over the city. We hope to grow from here.

logo with a peacock snuggled next to a cooking pot

Sophie’s Potluck logo designed by April Watt Little and Cheri Foote

Your logo is an adorable blue peacock cuddled next to a cooking pot. What’s the story behind this image?

I always have a bow in Sophie’s hair to keep track of her, and she loves peacocks. It started as a little inside joke, but John came up with the name because when you host a potluck, everyone brings something to eat. So with Sophie’s Potluck, we wanted everyone to bring their best! My friends April Watt Little and Cheri Foote collaboratively took the name and created the logo for us.

What kind of activities do you offer?

We work with all kinds of venues to bring a wide array of experiences to our special needs friends. Our first “official” event was a 45 minute zoo encounter, where the educators there taught us about arctic animals, and brought a few animals (some arctic, some not) out for us to see. It was a wonderful experience for our friends! Our upcoming events include a trip to a farm, we’re building our own terrariums, and creating our own bath bombs! Many other events are in the works.
Children exploring the zoo

Sophie’s Potluck Zoo Encounter

Are there opportunities to volunteer?

Yes! With some events, we are limited to the number of people that are able to participate. However, when we have the space, we LOVE to have volunteers come and join us. 

Are there opportunities to host events? 

Absolutely!! We are open to try anything! You can contact John or me on the Sophie’s Potluck website.

Any ideas or advice for parents and caregivers with autistic loved ones?

I think that we as parents and care givers are a village that need to learn from each other. I have also found that we just need to ask and many people are interested in helping us, as a group, gain new experiences and learn about the world around them.

Sophie’s Potluck not only serves as a platform for unique and enjoyable experiences, it also stands as a testament to the strength of community and collaboration. Amy’s journey is fueled by a desire to explore new possibilities for her daughter and others. As the initiative continues to grow, offering a range of activities and welcoming volunteers and event hosts, it becomes a shining example of the power of collective support. For parents and caregivers on the autism spectrum, Sophie’s Potluck offers not just events but a village of shared experiences, proving that together, we can enrich the lives of our loved ones and learn from one another.

Showing Love through Multiple Connections

Love Is in the Air is more than just a one (American) hit wonder by John Paul Young. It’s also a sentiment spurred by the made-up holiday of Valentine’s Day. I’d like to take advantage of this sometimes over-commercialized day to seize the opportunity to show love for people in the autism community. And as you are reading this, that means you are part of the crowd we love!
  • Are you a past or present board member, founder, paid professional, community partner, or a generous volunteer who has supported the autism community via Autism Connection? 
  • Could you be one of the seasoned folks who knew us as the original “ABOARD” – or Advisory Board on Autism and Related Disorders – who got this “party” started? 
  • Are you one of our supportive friends at ACHIEVA, a foundation giver, an individual donor, someone from the corporate world who has decided to sponsor us, or a phenomenal community group who has fundraised for us? 
  • Could you be a researcher friend, a compassionate judge, or a public servant we call on at all hours with questions or emergency situations needing attention? 
  • Are you a family member or autistic friend who chooses us for support, or who works as our colleague?  Or a marathon runner, or a personal friend or family member who supports our work?
Most likely you fall into many categories.  Any “yes” answers means we love YOU!

Love Takes Many Forms

Is using an emotional word like love appropriate in a professional setting?  I believe it is in the sense of agape, defined on dictionary.com here:


Original Greek: ἀγάπη (agápē)

Agape is often defined as unconditional, sacrificial love. Agape is the kind of love that is felt by a person willing to do anything for another, including sacrificing themselves, without expecting anything in return. Philosophically, agape has also been defined as the selfless love that a person feels for strangers and humanity as a whole.”

What Brings Our Thoughts to Love

Here’s why I’m thinking so hard about this now. Today we received our third request to cite a blog post – this one from Community Circles Restorative Justice Society (CCRJS) based in Ladysmith, British Columbia. Another was a request from Assets High School in Honolulu, Hawaii, and Cerebral Palsy Guidance in Syracuse, New York reached out to collaborate on bringing awareness of dual diagnosis of autism and cerebral palsy for a campaign in March (stay tuned).

This made me consider how we got here. And the logic chain goes like this: Tammi wrote the blog post cited today, found on our website that is funded by givers, the optimization of which was prioritized by our Strategic Plan originally written 12 years ago by board members (some of whom are family members or autistic people), shared by our community partners and friends online, maximizing our visibility so people in British Columbia could find, read, and use our words to benefit others we will never meet. Phew!  It was not hard to make that list because I often reflect on our roots and the huge crowd that has the autism community’s “back”, and it is all true.

Love is in The Air

I’m going to close this because I really need to hit “stop” on John Paul Young who’s been playing on repeat as I write this, permanently etching these lyrics into my brain for the foreseeable future.  

In the spirit of “sharing is caring”, here’s your earworm for today, with apologies to literal and visual thinkers for using that term. It’s okay if this is stuck in your head too  –  Here are those words for you to ponder.

Love Is In The AirEverywhere I look around (I look around…)Love Is In The AirEvery sight and every sound (and every sound…)
And I don’t know if I’m being foolishDon’t know if I’m being wiseBut it’s something that I must believe inAnd it’s there when I look in your eyes (your eyes…)
Love Is In The AirIn the whisper of the trees (whisper of the trees…)Love Is In The AirIn the thunder of the sea (thunder of the sea…)
And I don’t know if I’m just dreamingDon’t know if I feel saneBut it’s something that I must believe inAnd it’s there when you call out my name (call out my name…)
Love Is In The AirLove Is In The AirOh oh oh
Love Is In The AirIn the rising of the sun (of the sun…)Love Is In The AirWhen the day is nearly done (is nearly done…)
And I don’t know if you’re an illusionDon’t know if I see it trueBut you’re something that I must believe inAnd you’re there when I reach out for you (reach out for you…)
Love Is In The AirEverywhere I look around (I look around…)Love Is In The AirEvery sight and every sound (and every sound…)
And I don’t know if I’m being foolishDon’t know if I’m being wiseBut it’s something that I must believe inAnd it’s there when I look in your eyes (in your eyes…)
Love Is In The AirLove Is In The AirOh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh


Love Is In The AirLove Is In The AirLove Is In The AirLove Is In The AirOh Love Is In The AirOh Love Is In The Air

Black History Will Forever Be My History – By Joseph Smith, Autism Connection of PA Trustee

This month, we celebrate Black History. It is a time to remember the innovation and accomplishments of trailblazers in the United States. A lot of people are inquiring about why Black History Month is important. Here are some reasons from my point of view. 

  1. All of American history needs to be learned regardless of skin hue. There is too much division in this country. As a result, people of my hue are not getting recognition for the inventions and accomplishments they have made. 
  2. Studying Black History reminds us of the struggles of our ancestors so that we can better understand what we are going through and what they went through. 
  3. It opens us up to more issues that need to be discussed. We live in a critical age where we need to have uncomfortable conversations about race and disability. 
  4. We can make a difference by learning about race in our society. By learning Black History, we can better use Theory of Mind by being more sensitive to the needs of everyone. 
  5. The most important part of all is that Black History can’t be relegated to just one month. There are so many individuals breaking barriers every minute that need to be recognized. 

Black History Month is canonical to American History. By studying Black History, we can obtain knowledge that can prevent us from repeating deleterious events. Together we can break barriers. 

Photo of Joseph Smith

Joseph Smith
Autism Connection of PA Trustee; Giant Eagle employee, and Professional Photographer


Pittsburgh Marathon Runner Profile: Kate Alsaihati

As Kate prepares to bid farewell to her twenties, she is embracing a new challenge that goes beyond personal achievement. The 2024 Dick’s Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon run is a testament to her resilience, determination, and the belief that we can overcome any obstacle. Her motivation is deeply rooted in her desire to be a strong and healthy mom for her two children, demonstrating that we can conquer challenges and do hard things.

Get to know Kate through her interview here:

Tell us a little about Nanny Kate.

When I was 18, I moved in with my cousin who had just had a baby. I was going into my first year of cosmetology school, and in exchange for room and board, I nannied for her and created such a special bond with her son who was two months old when I moved in, and a little over a year old when I graduated. I was lovingly referred to as “Nanny Kate” during my time there. A few years later, he and his younger brother were both diagnosed with autism.

Ten years later, I am still Nanny Kate. They are both such wonderful boys and I couldn’t think of a better organization to run for than Autism Connection of PA. 

You have a milestone birthday coming up! What makes this marathon extra special?

This August I will be turning 30! I’ve never been a runner but a group of my friends convinced me to give it a shot and I thought, what better way to say good bye to my twenties than a half marathon?

I have two kids at home and I want to show them that you can do hard things! My kids deserve a mom that is able to run around with them and be healthy enough to do so! That is my motivation for this whole thing.

Any tips for runners?

I’m not sure if I’m in any position to give running tips because I’m still a beginner myself, but if I could give other people wanting to run something like this, any tips it would be to just keep pushing and keep going. It’s gonna be really hard and you will want to quit but don’t…. Keep going and keep running!

As Kate laces up her running shoes and ventures into uncharted territory, Autism Connection of PA invites you to be a part of her journey. Your encouragement, donations, and shared belief in the power of community can make a profound impact.

Visit Kate’s Race Roster page to show your support!


Pittsburgh Marathon Runner Profile: Nina Barbero

Welcome to our first Pittsburgh Marathon runner profile featuring Nina Barbero, or “Miss B” as her health and physical education students know her. Nina agreed to an interview all the way from snowy Rochester, NY where she trains regularly and is a member of Rochester Area Triathletes (RATS), her hometown’s triathlon club.  

Get to know Nina through her interview here:

Hey, thank you for deciding to run for Autism Connection of PA!  Tell us about your experience supporting people with disabilities in your community.  

I have been supporting people with disabilities for as long as I can remember now. In high school I helped my mom with a family friend Meg, who suffered a traumatic brain injury and is dependent on others for care which we provided on a regular schedule. Once my mom got me into racing I was able to run a 5k with Meg where we pushed her in a stroller. 

Once entering the multi-sport community, I met the Peck family and Onni. Onni has a progressive muscular disease but her family doesn’t let that hold her back. She races triathlons with her dad who swims with her in a boat then attaches a stroller to his bike to ride with her in tow and then pushes her on the run in the stroller. I am always there cheering her on at all the races where we are both competing. 

Most recently, I was able to get one of my former elementary students who uses a wheelchair, to participate in a splash and dash event by my triathlon club. I knew she could do it and she did! In my current position I support our adapted PE classes where we recently started our own event “Northwood Olympics” for our students in APE classes to compete in track and field events. 

Nina dressed as a dinosaur standing with fellow runners wearing costumes

Tell us about your own fitness journey. What drives you? What have other people done to support you that has been most beneficial?  And what do you do to motivate others in the tri or run community?

My own personal journey is all about having fun and enjoying the races I compete in. I also love the community and friends that I have gained through my experiences in running and triathlons. My biggest support is my mom. We frequently train,  travel and compete in almost every race we do together. I could not do these events without her! I hope I’m still moving like her when I am her age. The next biggest support is my tri club. RATS has been a driving force in keeping me involved in the sport, every workout we do and event we host shows what an amazing community of people we have. No matter the pace or experience a person has, everyone is welcome and that is something I love about being around the club members! 

As for how I motivate others in the community, I just continue to work and push myself to compete in events. When I am racing I’m cheering people on as they pass me or I pass them. If I’m not racing I am volunteering at events or just showing up with my camera to get action shots of those I know and sharing the photos on our Facebook group. 

What was your first full marathon experience, which was here in Pittsburgh, like for you?  I heard you cried throughout the race, but not for the reasons people might expect. Can you tell us about that?

It was an incredible experience! It’s a hilly course that is similar to my hometown so I was ready for that! I did find myself in tears for the last few miles of the race. It was a big deal for me to be able to complete the race. I wasn’t even sure I would be able to as I was going. Every time someone would cheer me on or give me a compliment I would just burst out into tears, not because my feet hurt (they did), but because of how overwhelmed I was by the support and kindness of others! 

Nina poses in front of a screen after receiving a medal

I know you are related to someone at the Autism Connection of PA – did anyone in your family twist your arm to run on May 4, 2024?  What else are you excited for about that day – what are your after-race plans?

No one ever has to twist my arm to sign up for an event like this! I was telling my aunt and cousin that I was planning to come to Pittsburgh May 4th for the Pirates game. I am a big fan of the Pirates (Let’s go Buccs!) and a big Star Wars fan too! So when I saw it was Star Wars night I had to plan a trip for the give away! When I mentioned this my cousin told me it was marathon weekend so I figured why not sign up! So I will be doing the 5k Saturday and the half marathon Sunday! Calling it a training weekend for my second half Ironman I will be doing in July. After the race I’ll hop back in the car and head home so I can be ready to teach my littles bright and early Monday morning!

Nina Barbero, or “Miss B,” has shared an inspiring journey of dedication and support for people with disabilities, emphasizing the power of inclusivity in the running and triathlon community. As she gears up for the Pittsburgh Marathon on May 4, 2024, running for Autism Connection of PA, we invite you to join her cause.

You can support Nina by clicking her Marathon Race Roster page

Or, if you feel the call to action, why not lace up your running shoes and participate in the Pittsburgh marathon for a cause close to your heart? Nina’s story exemplifies the transformative effect of running for a purpose, and your involvement can make a difference.

Whether through donations or by taking on the challenge of a marathon, let’s rally together and make strides towards a more inclusive and supportive community. Thank you for considering and being part of this incredible journey.

Giving Tuesday 2023

The Meaning Behind Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday, (#GivingTuesday) began in 2012 in response to the commercialization of the holiday season. It is a powerful reminder that the true essence of the season is about giving. This global day of generosity encourages people to contribute to charitable organizations, volunteer their time, and lend a helping hand to others.

Autism Connection of Pennsylvania: A Lifeline and Hub for Families and Adults

Autism affects millions of families worldwide. Autism Connection of PA is a non-profit dedicated to supporting autistic people and their families in Pennsylvania. Founded in 1996, Autism Connection has been at the forefront of the autism community, offering support, information, and advocacy.

The Impact of Giving Tuesday: Autism Connection of PA’s Key Initiatives

Resources and Support We welcome help requests in text, email, phone, and in-person.  We give information to families and adults with whom we navigate autism needs, care, and support for living, learning, working, and enjoying life. Workshops and Training School assemblies about disabilities and anti-bullying, first responder training, justice system courses and general support tips are topics we cover, aiming for the best life experience for all! Collaboration We love to do sensory-friendly, accessible event consulting for theaters, museums, libraries, parks, schools, airports, courthouses, and more! Support Groups Adults, families, caregivers enjoy safe and understanding talks where they share experiences, challenges, and successes.  Emotional support and feelings of belonging are our goals in virtual and live meetings. Advocacy Working to influence local and state systems, often on life or death issues, keeps us busy.   Justice, healthcare, education and other areas of critical reform needs are areas of focus.

Get Involved 

As Giving Tuesday approaches, Autism Connection of Pennsylvania relies on the generosity of individuals, businesses, and communities to continue our vital work. Donations on this special day can make a significant difference in the lives of those affected by autism. Involvement doesn’t always translate into monetary donations. Sharing your experience, connecting with others, offering help, or simply spreading the word about our work can have a huge impact. 

ways you can help on giving Tuesday. Donate. Volunteer. Spread the word.

You Can Make a Difference

On Giving Tuesday, let’s rally support Autism Connection of Pennsylvania and the community we serve. By donating, volunteering, and spreading the word, we can contribute to a brighter and more inclusive future. Together, we can make a difference and embody the true spirit of the holiday season – the spirit of giving.


Who Will Do the Laundry? The Double Empathy Problem

The Double Empathy Problem

“The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said.” – Peter Drucker

The double empathy problem posits that difficulties in social interaction are not solely the responsibility of the autistic person, but also result from a lack of understanding and empathy from people who are not autistic.

Explaining the double empathy problem poses its own challenges, so I’m quite literally illustrating the concept with a question: Who will do the laundry?

Who Will Do the Laundry?

Autistic grief is authentic, deeply felt, almost tangible. And it can manifest in a way that can be baffling to non-autistics. We have seen this when someone on the spectrum receives news of the loss of a parent or caretaker. “Who will do the laundry?” is a type of question a person on the spectrum may ask. It can seem pragmatic, almost unfeeling, but it is a distilled expression of grief concentrated into an overwhelming question.

Difficult to explain, so I’ll illustrate.

Years ago, a close friend who is not on the autism spectrum talked about the loss of his mother to breast cancer when he was 11 years old. Her death was an abrupt devastation. When he spoke about the experience, he formed descriptions of being snuck into her hospital room for brief visits, and even with her deteriorating state, he thought that she would eventually come home.

She never did. But the feeling of her possibly returning lingered. “I remember the moment I truly understood that she wasn’t coming back. I went to the basement to find my father standing next to piles of laundry. His head was bent. He was sobbing. And I knew that I would never see her again.”

Who will do the laundry?

Charcoal drawing of grief stricken man standing next to a washer and dryer

This is how the question Who will do the laundry? feels.

An Overwhelming Question

Who will do the laundry? is an expression of grief concentrated into a plea that really captures the questions, “What is life without them? How do I go on?”. When an autistic person demonstrates grief in this concrete form, a non-autistic person may perceive a lack of empathy. In turn, the autistic mourner may feel that others have no empathy for their despair, depending on their reaction to the overwhelming question. 

My friend’s description of the laundry room scene illustrates his father deeply grieving with echoes of Who will do the laundry? quietly implied. In both cases, it’s not about the laundry. It is about the loss. 

Tammi Morton, Director of Operations