Giving Tuesday 2023

The Meaning Behind Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday, (#GivingTuesday) began in 2012 in response to the commercialization of the holiday season. It is a powerful reminder that the true essence of the season is about giving. This global day of generosity encourages people to contribute to charitable organizations, volunteer their time, and lend a helping hand to others.

Autism Connection of Pennsylvania: A Lifeline and Hub for Families and Adults

Autism affects millions of families worldwide. Autism Connection of PA is a non-profit dedicated to supporting autistic people and their families in Pennsylvania. Founded in 1996, Autism Connection has been at the forefront of the autism community, offering support, information, and advocacy.

The Impact of Giving Tuesday: Autism Connection of PA’s Key Initiatives

Resources and Support We welcome help requests in text, email, phone, and in-person.  We give information to families and adults with whom we navigate autism needs, care, and support for living, learning, working, and enjoying life. Workshops and Training School assemblies about disabilities and anti-bullying, first responder training, justice system courses and general support tips are topics we cover, aiming for the best life experience for all! Collaboration We love to do sensory-friendly, accessible event consulting for theaters, museums, libraries, parks, schools, airports, courthouses, and more! Support Groups Adults, families, caregivers enjoy safe and understanding talks where they share experiences, challenges, and successes.  Emotional support and feelings of belonging are our goals in virtual and live meetings. Advocacy Working to influence local and state systems, often on life or death issues, keeps us busy.   Justice, healthcare, education and other areas of critical reform needs are areas of focus.

Get Involved 

As Giving Tuesday approaches, Autism Connection of Pennsylvania relies on the generosity of individuals, businesses, and communities to continue our vital work. Donations on this special day can make a significant difference in the lives of those affected by autism. Involvement doesn’t always translate into monetary donations. Sharing your experience, connecting with others, offering help, or simply spreading the word about our work can have a huge impact. 

ways you can help on giving Tuesday. Donate. Volunteer. Spread the word.

You Can Make a Difference

On Giving Tuesday, let’s rally support Autism Connection of Pennsylvania and the community we serve. By donating, volunteering, and spreading the word, we can contribute to a brighter and more inclusive future. Together, we can make a difference and embody the true spirit of the holiday season – the spirit of giving.