Explaining Feelings and Pain Levels to Medical Staff


Many autistic people have difficulty with interoception - the sense and perception of  internal bodily sensations - so recognizing and communicating internal sensations, hunger, emotions, and pain can be very challenging. Willow Marie Iti has developed a scale with a unique approach that includes emotional elements that play a role when a person is feeling pain or discomfort while trying to put their experience into words.

Willow Marie Iti is an autistic person, who like many, has always found it challenging to explain her body’s feelings and pain levels to doctors. “It often felt distant and subjective. So, I decided to create my own scale to help others understand and be more objective. Here is a free resource from my upcoming book. I hope this helps someone!”

The scale takes a unique approach that includes emotional elements that play a role when a person is feeling pain or discomfort while trying to put the experience into words. Many autistic people have difficulty with interoception – the sense and perception of  internal bodily sensationsso recognizing and communicating internal sensations, hunger, emotions, and pain can be very challenging. Willow’s scale gives insight into the process of identifying and communicating what a person is feeling internally, both physically and emotionally. 

Intuition Versus Fear scale details in post

Intuition VS Fear

Intuitive Sensations (rate intensity 1 -5)


  • Butterflies fluttering 
  • Deep knowing sensation
  • Warmth in stomach
  • Spacious, open feeling


  • Calmness in heart
  • Open/expansive feeling
  • Steady heartbeat


  • Mental clarity
  • Quiet mind
  • Tingling sensation

Intensity Scale for Intuitive Sensations

  1. Whisper-like, barely perceptible
  2. Gentle nudge, quiet but present
  3. Clear signal, steady presence
  4. Strong knowledge, deeply felt
  5. Profound certainty, unmistakable

Circle words that describe your intuitive feelings: 

Gentle * Flowing * Steady * Clear * Peaceful * Quiet * Deep * Certain * Patient * Grounded * Light * Warm * Expansive * Soft * Knowing

Fear Sensations (rate intensity 1 – 5)


  • Pit in stomach
  • Knotted/clenching
  • Churning sensation
  • Tight/constricted


  • Tightness in chest
  • Racing heart
  • Shallow breathing


  • Sweaty palms
  • Muscle tension


  • Racing thoughts
  • Mental fog/confusion
  • Overthinking/spiraling
  • Difficulty concentrating

Intensity Scale for Fear Sensations

  1. Slight unease, background tension
  2. Noticeable discomfort
  3. Definite distress
  4. Strong anxiety/fear
  5. Overwhelming panic/fear

Circle words that describe your fear-based feelings:

Urgent * Racing * Tight *Chaotic * Scattered * Rushed * Constricted * Pressured * Frozen * Jittery * Tense * Heavy * Trapped * Restless * Clouded

Willow runs Sacred Awareness Facebook page, and she is working on a book that will include resources like the Intuition and Fear Intensity Scale. 

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